Title: Etchings in the Dead Wax
Review Author: Matthew C. Joudrey
Added: Thursday April 23rd 2009
Released in April, 2009, through IUniverse in Bloomington, Indiana. Etchings in the Dead Wax is Canadian Author M. C. Joudrey's explosive new book. Meet Ethan Caldwell, a young man who is drowning himself and his life in emptied bottles of rum. Ethan is a powerful yet endearing main character. The author's use of first person narrative is written as though Ethan himself is writing each word. A touching and heartwarming read, Ethan's interest in music is personified by a massive vinyl record collection and serves as his only salvation and adds greatly to his mystique.
The novel is separated into two parts, the first weaves a tale of woe as Ethan and his older brother Jack struggle to survive a violent household. Part two introduces us to Paige a unique woman and Ethan's reluctant love interest. The novel displays a deep and memorable prose but more importantly an intricate understanding of an unstable upbringing. The book is available online and in bookstores worldwide. One of the most important and memorable books we have reviewed for 2009. If you were looking for that perfect read you may have just found it.