Title: Blackjack Bluebook II - The Simplest Winning Strategies Ever Published
Review Author: Adam Baker
Added: Monday September 8th 2008
Of all the books we've read and reviewed this book is quite possibly the best blackjack book ever written. This book has discussed things that I have never seem to find in any other blackjack book. For example: I bet you didn't know that you could get an advantage in a Six-Deck shoe game by counting the number of 10 cards! Essentially the book states that after two decks have been dealt you may have an advantage and you will not have to count anything else for the rest of the shoe. Did you know that should there be a hand with a large number of low cards compared to 10 cards that you may have an advantage for the rest of the shoe. Read this book and it will change the way you look at Blackjack.
The author also includes information such as the Rule of 45: if you have a total of sixteen versus the dealer's ten, and one of the cards is a four or a five, then the proper play is to stand, not hit!
If you're looking for techniques and strategies for counting cards there are three explained in detail within this book increasing in complexity. This is a terrific book for all blackjack players and we suggest you pick up a copy today.