There are so many variations in online casino blackjack that it boggles the mind. Microgaming offers 40 variations of the game in its portfolio. There are many parameters for which the rules differ. Whether the dealer hits or stands on soft seventeen, the number of decks being used, whether surrender is allowed or whether the player can split unlike tens are only some of the parameters that create differences.
It is impossible for a player to remember all the rules of all the variations. In fact it can be difficult for players to remember all the rules of even a few variations of blackjack. Yet it is very important to be constantly aware of the rules. This is because the exact game strategy depends on the exact rules in force. If a player forgets that surrender is allowed and continues to play with a hopeless hand that is bound to lose, he forgoes the advantage of recovering half his wager by surrendering. Similarly a player can lose an advantage by not re-splitting when re-splitting is allowed. Therefore a player has to either memorize or have access to all the rules of the blackjack variant he is playing. If the player continuously plays only one variant then he may in due course learn all the rules. But most players like variety and they keep changing the blackjack game. Therefore they need some way to access the rules.
Online casinos offer detailed rules in the Help section and Microgaming casinos do the same. In Microgaming casinos the Help section is denoted by a "?". However this is a very tedious process. The Help section opens in another window. Then some time is required for the Help section to be downloaded and to open. Even after that the player will have to navigate through a lot of information to find what he wants. This is not the kind of solution the player needs.
Microgaming knows exactly what the player needs in such a situation and has provided for the same. Consider for example the player wants to play Atlantic City Blackjack. He downloads and opens the game and starts playing. Now the player needs to check out the rules. In the top left hand corner is a box containing the rules in a brief point form.

The rules are in too small a print to be readable in the area that's provided there. But all the player has to do is roll the cursor over the Rules Box. The Atlantic City rules will appear on the screen in a box in an easy to read bulleted form.

The rules will remain on the screen as long as the cursor is held over the Rules Box. Once the cursor is moved out of the Rules Box, the rules will disappear and the clear playing area will be displayed on the screen. In order to see the rules again the just needs to move the cursor over the Rules Box. It is these simple but innovative conveniences that take Microgaming miles ahead of the other online gaming software providers.
Rather convenient and something that I have though seen in other software by other casino providers out there as well which I think is really nifty.