Do I have a gambling problem?
I was with my cousin the other day and put £20 on an online gambling site and it gave me a bonus which I never asked for so I had £60 to play with. I won it up to £180 and tried to withdraw it and it said that I cannot withdraw as there are bonus funds.
I used the online help service and she said that I needed to spend about 2000 to use up my bonus credits before I could withdraw. I said it was a scam and asked for my £20 back but they said they can't as I have used my bonus credits (In hindsight I realise I could've almost guaranteed withdraw by betting on red AND black on roulette with something on zero just in case)
Anyway I bet the 180 and one of my numbers came up and I kept doubling and repeating until there was 3000 available to withdraw as I must have put 2000 on in total. I withdrew it to my account and was obviously buzzing but then I reverse withdrew it 500 at a time until I was left with my original £20. Reverse withdraw is when you have asked for your money back but you get about 12 hours to change your mind.
I have been stressed ever since even though I havn't actually lost anything but I get paid soon and all I can think about is trying to win it back up and it feels like I have a gambling problem?
Any advice?