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 Craps Learning 2- Craps Rules
Now that you have understood how to play craps, all you need to know are the craps rules. Yes, the rules for playing craps are as important as the game itself. Whether you are playing craps in an illuminated casino in Las Vegas or whether you are playing it online over high speed internet connection; the craps rules remain the same.
There are three fundamental craps rules and they are Shooter Rule, Rolled Rule, and Pass Rule.
1. Shooter Rule: The first rule that you will learn more about is the shooter rule. In order to learn about this craps rule, you will need to completely understand who the shooter really is, why is the player known as the shooter, and how it all begins and ends.
In any craps game, all the players involved can take turns in donning the role of the ‘Shooter.’ The shooter is the player who will roll the dice in the clockwise direction. Once a shooter starts rolling the dice, he or she will continue to do so until he or she rolls out a 2, 3 or 12. When the shooter rolls out any of these three numbers then it means that he or she is ‘Craps Out’
2. Rolled Rule
The second craps rules that you need to understand is called the ‘Rolled Rule’. The Rolled rule actually defines the type of action to be taken every time the dices are rolled. When a shooter makes his or her first roll then it is known as the ‘Come Out Roll’. The ‘Come Out Roll’ will establish the ‘Point’ for the game.
According to the rules, if the first roll doesn’t produce 7, or 11 or if it doesn’t produce Craps (2, 3 or 12), then ‘Point’ will be taken as the sum of the dice during the ‘Come Out Roll’. If the dice rolls out 7 or 11 then the Shooter will have to roll a new ‘Come Out Roll’. This simply means that the game has to start all over again. If the dice rolls out 2, 3 or 12 then the dice will be passed on to another Shooter and the game will start from the beginning.
If a Point is established then the shooter will have to keep rolling the dice till he or she hits another Point. Let’s take an example: If a shooter rolls the dice it brings up 4 and 6 then the total will be 10, which is a Point. So now the aim of the shooter will be to roll out another 10 or 7 without rolling 2, 3 or 12. If the shooter is able to roll out a 10 or 7 then the dice is returned to him so that he or she can start a new ‘Come Out Roll’. But on the other hand if the shooter rolls out a 2, 3 or 12 then the dice will be passed on to the player on his/her left and that player will become the new Shooter.
3. Pass Rule
This is the simplest of all the rules. You must have read in the learn craps page about the pass bet. The Pass Rule compliments the pass bet, which is placed by players before the ‘Come Out Roll’. The Pass Rule lays emphasis on the fact that the Pass Line bet is on the shooter. This rule further emphasizes that the bet is on the fact that the shooter will accomplish his/her goal of getting a 7 or 11 on the ‘Come Out Roll’ or get a Point before rolling a 2, 3 or 12.
Note: It is important to remember that a Pass Line bet can be placed only on a ‘Come Out Roll’.