Rushmore Casino - please read before you deposit
Please post on your site so people will see how Rushmore casino treats there customers prior to them losing there hard earned money, I requested a withdrawal in november, 2011 and it was approved per Rushmore casino on December 1st with in two days. The problem is they told be they have expanded there transfer time to 10-14 working days to insure there customers would get there money on time. Its been 15 working days now and thy are now telling me they have no clue when I'll get my money.
Like a fool i continued making deposits and playing on there site while waiting on my withdrawal, now not only am i out my withdrawal but an additional $800.00. I find it hard to beleive with the amount of money this site makes daily that they would ripp me and I'm sure many others off of a $1550.00 withdrawal.
I play under the name of utahrick on this site, well i use too. I"m hoping your site will post this for other players don't get screwed out of there money.
My plans are posting this information on every gambling site on the internet.