Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:43 pm Posts: 3
 Loco Jungle Tournaments are scam, be carful
I was one of the first few players who joined that casino, they run TOP GAME software. I had a full trust on them but lately whenever I play at their Tourneys, and after I do large deposits, I been told all the time, that oh you just missed the 10 place, once oh, you was a bout, again oh, no you came on the 11th place. At one point when I started feeling suspicion, I had recommended a friend mine to play there, but she did not play a lot because they did not have the credit card deposit option available for her. On that day I offered her to get her the WU to make the deposit, and to play at the same running tourney I was at that time. As known at this casino when you play at any of their tourneys, and when you make the deposit if you do a large deposit as I do like $1000, they offer you a bigger multiplier. So I did from the day one of that tourney started up to the 4th day like $3000 deposits and the multiplier they were offering me is 6x, my playthrough I accumulated till day 4 was 125,000 points, after the multiplier it comes up to about 3/4 million points. My friend only did the $200 deposits with no any extra multiplier, means with only 1x doing only 4500 points playthrough. But look at that, the second day which it should be the 5th day of the tourney, I was on the 15 place and my friend was on the 10 place !!!!. Then I had the proof that they been doing this to me at all the previous tournaments, but because my friend she was like new for them and they wanted to shy her eyes by giving her 10 place so she can get like $100 prize, and by screwing others and kept telling them all lies. I had the proof( screen shot for my place with my points and my deposits , also my friend screen shot with the same info), and when I confronted them with that, at first they tried to tell me that was a different player, knowing that they told she with the same name , and the same first letter of her last name, the same country, and also the game icon what did she play as they used to post in the leaderboard players with their first name and the first letter of the last name, the country flag, and the game icon what player played the most . They tried to cover their cheating with a lie, but at the end, they realized that they can not just keep laying, and at that point and after I send them the screen shots I had. At that point and also after I had my casino deal community group involve, since Loco Jungle one of the casinos was promoted at their site. Then I got an apology email, and that there was mistake at the system and that they are really sorry for what happened, and they put my name on the 6 place with a prize of $1500.
After that I been watching so close all the names and the games been doing, and I am sure that the names they have all the time at the top 5 places with the big prizes is just a Como flash, and a photo shop, to make you believe that there are winners with that prize.
Also I had found too many issues and scams , at that time I was not playing after I lost the trust, but I was watching the leaderboard, and finding more things(big mistakes), and when I go and tell them, they go right away and correct it.
I had too many problems and I really feel bad about all the deposits I did with them , as an example I just did like 17k deposits between Dec, 20 2013 to Feb, 12 2014.